Iain Birtwhistle is the Managing Director of MAGIC.
He has over thirty years insurance experience as an underwriter for both Lloyds of London and local insurers. He has also been an insurance broker and was the General Manager of Australia's largest Medical Defence Organisation.
He has consulted to large private hospitals, day surgeries and other medical facilities. He recognises that most insurance brokers are not experts in medical malpractice insurance and this leaves a "knowledge" gap for their clients. Few brokers appreciate the time pressures of how the healthcare industry operates and the financial pressures the healthcare industry is under from Health Funds and Government. The time pressures caused by administration of such matters as accreditation. Iain can assist you in these matters. See our services.
To keep his knowledge up to date Iain regularly attends the Australian Private Hospitals Association's and the Australasian Day Surgery Association's annual conferences and has been invited to speak at conferences in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.
Iain holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Monash University. He is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Finance and Insurance and a member of the Australasian Society for Healthcare Risk Management.
Sheridan Hudson is a consultant to MAGIC.
Sheridan has over thirty years experience in nursing. She is currently a NUM of a day surgery and understands the day to day issues facing the owners and managers medical facilities. She provides MAGIC with valuable insight to the practical issues facing the healthcare industry.
Sheridan attends the Australasian Day Surgery Association's annual conference as well as the NSW State conference.
She holds a Bachelor of Science (Nursing) from Southern Cross University.
In addition MAGIC has close relationships with other consultants to assist its Healthcare professionals.